Brick By Brick were granted planning consent for the development of 157 new homes in Lion Green Road in January 2019. Full details of this scheme can be viewed on the public access register using the reference 17/06297/FUL.
Read July 2020 Building Info Leaflet for Lion Green Road (PDF)
It is anticipated that construction works will begin in September 2020, with expected completion in Winter 2022.
Initial works and car park closure
Initial works include construction of the new car park with completion of this aimed for Spring 2021. It is planned that 50% of the car park will close when these works begin.
Where to find updates
Regular news updates will be posted to the Commonplace website and you can subscribe to receive email notifications of updates.
An opportunity for residents, businesses and stakeholders to meet virtually with CField Construction will be provided next month (August) and will take place prior to the main construction works starting. CField will be distributing an introductory newsletter, including an invitation to the event and details will also be posted as a news update on Commonplace.